Hello 2024
One of my good intentions for 2024 was to post more relevant news - in time. It didn't start well, but here you go.
We started off the year with the delivery of the Lizet hyenas and Jack Darlington, and with Sofi by AyGee. At the same time we had got the Lizet cats (pre-orders from 2023) into production. These batches are made by two different factories - the first one makes the bulk of our standard toys, and the second one makes the more sophisticated ink-jet printed toys with thicker, softer vinyl, and flat seams on the bodies.
Even though we have long relationships with both factories, it has not always been easy to ensure specifications and standards of quality were met. This is not unusual for business with Chinese manufacturers. Sadly, this has come to a point where the nuisance factor outweighs the fun factor - for creators and enthusiasts. Both factories have now cut corners by using materials that were below specifications, both for the largest orders ever placed with them. Additionally, the current Lizet cats - due to be produced in January - have been unceremoniously bumped off the production line half-finished to make way (ostensibly) for an important production for Walmart (at least we know who to blame). Instead of an expected delivery in April, we now expect them to be delivered in/around June 2024.
We have therefore ended our co-operation with the first factory and we are also looking to replace the second factory. This is a time-consuming process and therefore you may see our pace of new projects (and overall responsiveness) slowing down a little over the next few months.
However, every challenge also bears opportunities. Changing gears means we will have to close the gap with the existing production-ready designs and manufacturers that we still have and the good news for some of you is: we will re-run the Flausi reindeer (SFW and NSFW) in an improved multi-chamber version with new valves. We will also re-run the black/brown heavy Warmblood horse as multi-chamber designs (also with new valves). Both will come from the factory that has previously made Flausi and that still makes our inflatable body pillows (to a very high standard). There will also be a new "mystery toy" for this year that we won't reveal yet and that is 98% ready-for-production. All will be made in a material that is stocked by the factory in large quantities and that has been used in a bull rider pool toy. Even though it is "standard" 0.28mm material, it has generally received good reviews and is also more robust than our 0.25mm material that we've used in the past. Production will be supervised by MythAnimalCreature, who have graciously accepted our request to project manage this production on-site.
More good news is that we've entered a formal collaboration with CandyCoatedSqueaks in the US and Grace Repair in Germany for turning our toys into inflatable suits as well as for repairs and modifications. Suits can now also be made in Germany and therefore no longer need to be shipped from the US to EU customers, which cuts out a lot of the taxes and duties. You can find examples for repairs/modifications and reference prices in our help centre. The inflatable suits can be found in the Kinky Stuff collection.
Finally, for the art enthusiast among you: the German artist duo Gott & Gilz have discovered inflatable art! Roman has made some excellent photoshoots for us back in 2019 and now Gordan and Roman have discovered not only that their art looks good on inflatables, but that inflatables look good on inflatables when you add some nudes and primary colours to them and don't take yourself too seriously. Stay tuned for more!
Logan Chrysler-D'Otard
When will my favourite Sea Lion be back in stock, again? I would like to get it to inaugurate the “fun room” at my new digs in Tumwater, WA