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Lizet cats pre-order delay
The factory that was making our Lizet cats (pre-orders from October/November 2023) has closed down. We are investigating the exact situation but we are assuming that the production that had been started in December, then stopped in January (and was due to be completed in April) has been lost.As we wrote in our previous blog post we were in the process of transferring our production away from this factory to a new one. It seems we left it a little long. Nevertheless, we will resume the production of the Lizet cats at the new factory. At this point it is difficult...
Hello 2024
One of my good intentions for 2024 was to post more relevant news - in time. It didn't start well, but here you go. We started off the year with the delivery of the Lizet hyenas and Jack Darlington, and with Sofi by AyGee. At the same time we had got the Lizet cats (pre-orders from 2023) into production. These batches are made by two different factories - the first one makes the bulk of our standard toys, and the second one makes the more sophisticated ink-jet printed toys with thicker, softer vinyl, and flat seams on the bodies. Even...
Use of AI-art in custom designs
Please be aware that we will not accept AI-generated artwork for printing on our inflatable pillows, airbeds, dakis etc.Reason: at this point, there is no evidence that artists, whose artworks have been used to "teach" AI, are receiving compensation. In many cases consent for the use of their art was also lacking. Therefore, we'll treat AI-art as being in contravention to our position on only accepting art for custom prints for which permission by the artist exists, or that have been specifically commissioned for the purpose of being printed on our products.AI-art may be used to illustrate concepts or ideas,...
Hyenas, Sofis, & deer pre-orders due to be delivered in Jan 2024
We now have confirmed sailing dates for the ships taking the hyenas, Sofis, & Jack Darlingtons to the US and to Germany. Unfortunately, despite of our best effort to secure fast passages, they will be in port just around Christmas. This means: we won't be able to send them out until the middle of January 2024.The destinations served from Germany will be sent out slightly ahead of those being served from the US, where the vessel will be in port a little later. However, we will have a dedicated shipping effort in both Germany and the US to ensure that...
Making art from our art & toys
Our position on using our (and by extension: our artists') art & imagery. Because this seems to have come up in other channels, and we're hopelessly backed-up adding formal policies and guidance to our store website. So, this serves as a heads-up and temporary policy on the subject:1) We are ok with any derivative artworks being made of our toys & artwork, as long as they don't fall in the main categories of products that we have: pooltoys, dakis, blankets, T-shirts. Credits, tagging etc. would be nice but we don't insist on it. (Both CC-0 and CC-BY uses are acceptable;...